We are continuously working to expand our resources.

Got a resource you think should be included? Or looking for something specific? Email info@harmony.ca.

Action Planning Resources

Looking for more Action Planning resources and support? Join the Social Changemakers Network!

Social Changemakers Action Kit School Climate Survey

Download this free kit which includes info on setting up a club, strategy planning, communications, fundriasing, and sample initiatives to create social change.

This survey will help you identify issues around discrimination in your school. It can be filled in as individuals or as a group together. Email info@harmony.ca to request a report from all the participants who submit.

Mental Health Resources

Click the link below to access a list of free mental health resources and supports for youth:

See the List of Supports

Engaging in self care is critical to doing any social change work. You need to take care of yourself so you can do this work in a sustainable way. We've curated a variety of tools and activities you can use to plan and implment your own custom self-care practice.

Self-Care Planning Worksheets & Acitvities

Self-Care Assessment Self-Care Planning Worksheet Ideas for Self-Care

Why Self-Care is Important While Doing Social Change Work

Teens Talk About Self-Care in High School

The Missing Ingredient in Self-Care